Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic Pro-Am

The History of Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic Pro-Am

Origins and Motivation for Leadership

In 2016, I visited Honolulu, Hawaii for the first time in many years since my last visit to MC a local NPC contest for a promoter who had no clue how to promote a show. It was at this time I realized I needed to step up and step into a bigger role in order to help salvage the reputation of the original Hawaii promoter extraordinaires, the late Dot & Mits Kawashima. These were the promoters who brought me to Oahu in 1988 for my first time as a featured guest poser!

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Dot & Mits Kawashima

Navigating Challenges and Reinforcing Traditions

The state of bodybuilding was in the midst of a divorce of sorts, with another federation trying to move in and offer an alternative to the very established Amateur Federation, National Physique Committee, but to no avail. The particular promoter in question back in 2016 was a graphics worker by trade, as his other three partners had all passed away at various periods of time until it was just him. Being that I had been promoting Pro-Am competitions since 2005, I felt I had a duty to help restore what Dot & Mits had built so the fans could witness their legacy through my experience. I felt that if given the chance, I could carry the torch and tradition that made me fall in love with the seeds that were planted by Hawaii’s finest and build the sport back up to what it once was again!

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Launching the First Hawaiian Classic

My first move was to hold Hawaii’s biggest event of the year in the best locations possible, so I held my first show at the new Modern Hotel in Honolulu. Hoping to get 100 athletes to fill the seats, the response to me holding my first Hawaiian Classic quickly filled up with a record 298 athletes with crossovers! In efforts to restore what was once built by Dot & Mits, I brought in the very best awards, belts, shirts, stars, and even presented charity donations in efforts to show thanks and to give back to the community that supported what I was trying to build. From California, no doubt a 6-hour flight over the Pacific Ocean, I aimed to raise the bar in promoting quality shows in the islands.

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Growing the Event and Enhancing the Experience

In the ensuing years, we’ve held Hawaii’s biggest show in various beautiful locations such as the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, The Shell in Waikiki, and in recent years at the Hawaii Convention Center!

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Celebrating Success and Embracing the Future

We are entering our 7th year promoting the Pro-Am SRHC. Along with Fit Doc Productions and our many faithful sponsors, we are able to have athletes from around the world travel to paradise in efforts to qualify for the Mr. Olympia and NPC National Championships while having a chance to enjoy the beautiful islands and scenery Hawaii has to offer! 

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Welcome to Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic 2024

This year’s show promises to be even bigger and better on November 16th as we present Pro Bikini & Pro Men’s Physique competitions with our Platinum Sponsor, Stronghouse Solutions, and Classic Pro Athlete, Tony Taveras, who helped make this possible with their support!

We have a great host hotel in the Ala Moana Hotel by Mantra, where you can book a special discount room using this link:

This contest is open to All Athletes and may register online at: